Three Neo-Nazis Lead Ukraine’s Presidential Contest: Gallup Finds Ukrainians Despise All the Candidates

Eric Zuesse

Gallup headlined on March 21st, “Ukraine’s Election: Voters Disenchanted Ahead of Key Vote”, and “World-Low 9% of Ukrainians Confident in Government”. Might the reason for both be that no candidate in the contest is respected by the Ukrainian public, and that only three — the candidates with the least-low public approval — are the only ones who have even a remote chance of winning, and that all three of those candidates are racist-fascists, or hold the ideology of nazism? This will be documented here:

Nazism, which is the ideology of fascism but with a heavy added component of racism, has been doing well in post-‘revolutionary’, or post-2013, or post ‘Maidan’ ‘revolution’, Ukrainian politics. The form of racism that dominates today’s Ukraine is against Russians more than against Jews, and so though the ideology is the same as was Germany’s nazi ideology, its main ethnic target isn’t the same. Some of Ukraine’s leading nazis are, in fact, Jews who hate Russians. Whereas Germany’s nazis wanted to exterminate all Jews, Ukraine’s nazis want to exterminate all Russians. But this is all that Ukraine’s voters are being offered, ever since the democratically elected President was thrown out in February 2014. He was fairly unpopular, but not as despised as the politicians who replaced him and his Government are.

The three top Presidential contenders in the upcoming March 31st election, as shown in all the polling, are:

Yulia Tymoshenko, the former ‘gas princess’ who had been convicted and sent to prison for skimming from Ukraine’s gas monopoly, the National Oil and Gas Company of Ukraine. She had established herself as a passionately anti-Russian Prime Minister and had been the preferred candidate of the Barack Obama U.S. Administration to win the 25 May 2014 election, but that election was instead won by a more moderate anti-Russian, the candy and shipbuilding oligarch Petro Poroshenko, who, as President, continued the ethnic-cleansing campaign that had been started by the interim leader of Ukraine who had been selected as Ukraine’s leader in a famous phone call by Victoria Nuland, who was U.S. President Obama’s top operative planning and executing the February 2014 U.S. coup, which coup overthrew the elected President, who hadn’t been sufficiently anti-Russian to suit U.S. President Obama. When I posted the transcript of that phone call years later, I noted that: “This historically mega-important phone-call, which was posted to the internet a week later, on February 4th — three weeks before the man whom she named there received (just as she had instructed) the appointment to lead the post-coup Ukraine — isn’t even being denied by Washington. Instead, it’s either ignored by them, or else totally misrepresented, in the ‘historical’ accounts by the agents of the U.S. regime.” The person she selected there to rule the interim government was “Yats” Yatsenyuk, Tymoshenko’s choice, who was chosen because if Nuland had appointed Tymoshenko, then Tymoshenko would have been unable to run in the 25 May 2014 Ukrainian Presidential election.

Petro Poroshenko, the incumbent President, and Ukrainian oligarch who had beaten Tymoshenko in the 2014 contest. He continued the ethnic cleansing campaign because unless enough of the voters in the far eastern region of Ukraine — where the elected President who had been ousted had received over 90% of the votes — were killed or else evacuated Ukraine (mostly by fleeing into neighboring Russia), Ukraine would again have an insufficiently anti-Russian Government to satisfy the U.S. Government, which wanted Ukraine in NATO. Consequently, both the Obama Administration and the IMF were strong supporters of continuing the ethnic-cleansing campaign. (And the U.S. regime is also using white phosphorous to burn whole areas to death in Syria, and a French officer who complained about it was punished by the French Government.) That campaign in far-east former Ukraine had enough success so as to ensure continuation of a rabidly anti-Russian Ukrainian Government, in elections such as now are taking place.

Volodmyr Zelenskiy, the popular Ukrainian actor and comedian who played Ukraine’s President on Ukranian TV, in a series telecast on a TV channel that is owned by the Ukrainian oligarch Ihor Kolomoyskyi, who, as a U.S.-appointed governor in eastern Ukraine during Poroshenko’s Presidency, had planned and overseen in Odessa on 2 May 2014 a massacre of opponents of the U.S. coup. Subsequently, Poroshenko fired Kolomoyskyi — an oil and gas oligarch himself — because Kolomoyskyi’s personal team of thugs, which he called his “militia,” had raided the National Oil and Gas Company of Ukraine, in order to expel the new government-appointed chief. So, Kolomoyskyi hates Poroshenko, and is determined that Poroshenko not be re-elected. His preferred candidate, and employee, Zelenskiy, leads in the polling, thus far. Zelenskiy is like a Ukrainian Donald Trump, who also won because he had no plicy-making track-record and he ran against people who did.

Here are recent polling results:

On March 13th, Reuters headlined “Comedian Zelenskiy extends Ukraine presidential poll lead”, and reported SOCIS polling during 5-10 March showed 20.7% for Zelenskiy, 13.2% for Poroshenko, and 11.0% for Tymoshenko.

Wikipedia’s article “Opinion polling for the 2019 Ukrainian presidential election” shows trendlines for each polling organization and for each of the three major candidates. Zelenskiy is now around 25%, and both Poroshenko and Tymoshenko are each around 18%.

Therefore, Zelenskiy seems to be heading into a run-off against either Poroshenko or Tymoshenko.

The Gallup report on March 21st, “World-Low 9% of Ukrainians Confident in Government”, said that:

Currently in the lead — according to other national polls in Ukraine — is comedian and actor Volodymyr Zelensky, who is most widely known for playing the president of Ukraine in the popular television series “Servant of the People.” Like his character on the show, Zelensky is campaigning largely on an anti-corruption platform — which likely resonates with many voters. Incumbent Poroshenko is working to shift the focus off of the many scandals he has been accused of and is taking a hard-line stance, promising to join NATO and reclaim Crimea if he wins re-election. Tymoshenko initially led the large field of candidates but has fallen in the polls recently as rumors regarding her involvement in corrupt deals for natural gas have resurfaced.

However, whoever will ultimately win, will almost certainly continue the U.S. Government’s campaign to get Ukraine admitted into America’s anti-Russian military alliance, NATO, so as to be able to place U.S. missiles close enough to Moscow so that a blitz knockout blow to conquer Russia could — some U.S. strategists hope and believe — become possible.

Obama’s strategy to conquer Russia is being carried forward by his successor, Trump.

Here is additional background on each of the three individuals who is a prospective next President of Ukraine:

Tymoshenko: In a phone-conversation with a political supporter on 18 March 2014, while Tymoshenko was Barack Obama’s and Hillary Clinton’s preferred candidate to replace the democratically elected President of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, whom Obama’s February 2014 entirely illegal and very bloody coup in Ukraine had just recently overthrown, the then Ukrainian candidate to replace Yanukovych, Tymoshenko said “We should take weapons and shoot those God damned Russians along with their leader [Putin]. … I hope that [as Ukraine’s President] I will use all my connections [especially Obama and Clinton], and stir the entire world to action in order to make Russia into a field of scorched earth. … We should burn them with nuclear weapons!” Since Ukraine had no nuclear weapons, she was expressing there the hope that her connections inside the U.S. White House and State Department would produce a Third World War that would terminate Russia.

Poroshenko: The way he carried out the ethnic-cleansing campaign that had been started by the interim leader of Ukraine whom Obama’s agent Victoria Nuland had appointed, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, was to capture and kill all leaders of the resistance, and to bomb and terrorize into submission the residents in the resisting region. Under Yatsenyuk, a system was planned to be patterned upon Hitler’s treatment of Jews, Gypsies and other unwanted people, and it entailed concentration camps, but Poroshenko just wanted the people to die or else escape into Russia, so they’d not be voting in any future Ukrainian election. He also wanted the U.S. to help him to defeat the resistors, so that Ukraine could retake Crimea, which had been part of Ukraine during 1954-2014 but was Russian — and strongly pro-Russian ever since at least 1783. The Soviet dictator, Khruschchev, had been Ukrainian, and he arbitrarily transferred Crimea from Russia to Ukraine in 1954. Obama and Clinton insisted that Khruschev’s arbitrary decision continue to be honored, regardless of what the residents of Crimea wanted. Trump does likewise.

Zelenskiy: His patron, Kolomoyskyi, was one of the two main planners of the 2 May 2014 extermination inside the Odessa Trade Unions building, in which people who had distributed leaflets opposing the coup were trapped and burned and clubbed and shot to death. Like Donald Trump when Trump had run for the U.S. Presidency in 2016 against Clinton, Zelenskiy has no political track-record, but only political blatherings, by which his alleged policy-views can become (however dubiously) inferred by voters. And he seems likely to become Ukraine’s President in the same way that Trump did: by having no actual policymaking track-record, and running against opponent(s) whose policymaking track-records the electorate already know to be rotten.

The U.S. regime praises Ukraine now as a ‘democracy’ (and Americans apparently believe that). Before the U.S. take-over, it was called (by the U.S. Government and its allies) ‘authoritarian’ or ‘a dictatorship’. (That was when Ukraine had a freely elected President, who represented the whole country, instead of a truncated country, without the two regions that have the most strongly pro-Russia voters, who had voted the heaviest for that democratically elected President. The U.S. regime wants to control those regions, too, but without its residents. The U.S. regime wants the land, but not the people. The U.S. wants those people there eliminated. This is the type of ‘democracy’ America now is.)


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of  They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of  CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.

We Cannot Bury Our Heads in the Sand about Ilhan Omar


Ilhan Omar beats 22-term Rep. Phyllis Kahn in Minneapolis ...

Source: E. Jeffrey Ludwig

Rep. Ilhan Omar from Minnesota poses an interesting case study in American cultural or civilizational consciousness.  She is the first congressional representative to wear a scarf around her head, and that scarf is for some a symbol of the breadth and depth of our acceptance of others.  For others, it is a symbol of alienation and rejection of the America she claims — simply by holding office — to represent.  To those who see her this way, the hijab or head covering is seen as a hostile schmata (rag) whereby she is not merely carrying on one of her subculture’s customs, but, in essence, giving the finger to the country she now would participate in governing.

To those who admire her motivation and political know-how, the headscarf adds to the attraction of her looking frail and vulnerable.  Looking frail and vulnerable, yet being a political high achiever, she seems to fit the rags-to-riches mythology of our culture.  Those who are attracted by this transition into the halls of power may not see her hijab as a mere headscarf or as a rag.  To them, this headgear is a crown dignifying her claim to power.  Is she a stinking terrorist in sheep’s clothing?  Or is she just a little know-nothing from a nowhere country elected by a bizarre and backward district in Minnesota?  Or does she express the promise of America to give leadership and success to those for whom it has been blocked, sometimes, for centuries?

Anyone from anywhere can make his home here.  Even more than make a home, all persons can participate in the governance of this country.  Was that not true of the Germans, the Scandinavians, the Irish, the Italians, the West Indians, the Greeks, the Eastern Europeans?  So, rather than being seen as a threat, many see Rep. Omar as a victory of American culture over the inherent divisiveness of a hate-filled world.

However, her many anti-Semitic comments since she has taken office intensify the debate. She talks about the Jewish power through “Benjamins” ($100 bill pictures of Ben Franklin), about AIPAC buying illegitimate influence, and about Jewish dual loyalty to Israel as well as the USA (with no mention of her possible triple loyalty to the USA; Somalia; and Islam, which is as much a political as a religious system).  Her defenders, like Speaker Nancy Pelosi, say these comments are reflections of mere rhetorical inexperience, and not of deep-seated anti-Semitism.  Does she not know that the USA was the first country to recognize the existence of Israel as a nation-state?  Does she not know that when Jews were disparaged and worse in Europe, they found a haven in these United States going back to the 17th century because freedom of conscience was so valued?  Acceptance of Jewish people is not just a matter of current events, but part of the foundation of liberty in this country.

In effect, then, her comments blew her cover.  She cannot simply be seen as a highly motivated immigrant who has made her way to one of the higher offices in the land, someone who is simply living out the Horatio Alger ideal of rags to riches in America.  She has revealed herself as someone with an agenda, an agenda where she is willing to attack the community most in favor of Islamic immigration and the diversity she seems to represent.

Not only is she filled with intolerable hatred, but she is a kind of Trojan horse.  The appearance of vulnerability belies monstrous problems.  Is she just a poor, misguided foreign-born child?  No way.  Rather, her presence as a welcome dispossessed minority runs parallel to a story by that great writer, Isaac Bashevis Singer, “The Gentleman From Cracow.”

One day, a young Jewish doctor moved from Cracow to the impoverished Jewish village of Frampol.  He is welcomed and perceived as a special asset to the town.  Not only is he wealthy and generous, but at one point in time, surrounded by his opulence, he declares to the villagers, “The Ruler of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel knows of your miseries, and he has sent me to be your benefactor.  But there is one condition.  Tonight, every virgin must marry.  I will provide a dowry of ten thousand ducats for each maiden, as well as a string of pearls down to her knees.”  The people are amazed by this offer and scurry to meet his demands.  The rich man agrees even to marry Hodle, the degraded town slut.  One old man, seeing how degraded the process was becoming, with the now betrothed young virgins lifting their skirts to catch his gold coins, called out, “Woe to us, woe to us, Jews!  A fire is upon us, burning, Jews, Satan’s fire.  Save your souls, Jews.  Flee, before it is too late!”  But the townspeople, thrilled by the sudden dispensation of wealth, gagged the old man.  The rich young doctor revealed his true identity: “He was none other than Ketev Mriri, Chief of the Devils.”  At that point, the entire underworld seemed to burst forth, as Singer narrates: “[w]itches, werewolves, imps, demons, and hobgoblins plummeted from the sky, some on brooms, others on hoops, still others on spiders.  Osnath, the daughter of Machlath, her fiery hair loosened in the wind, her breasts bare and thighs exposed, leaped from chimney to chimney, and skated along the eaves.”  The gagged old man, clutching his head, died.

Omar, along with Rashida Tlaib, and some other Dem fellow travelers who are delighted to see “diversity” in Congress, are human doors leadings to untold diabolical strategies.  We must remain vigilant as the danger of further militant Islamic encroachment in our government grows.  We cannot forget that there have already been multiple murderous attacks on innocents in our beloved USA by militant Islamists, who, like Omar, hate Jews and Israel.  In other words, the voices against her are not sufficiently condemnatory, whether those congressional voices be Jewish or non-Jewish.  Excluding her from the House would be an optimal response, but research into this option indicates to this writer that this is not feasible.  Thus, while removing her from the House Foreign Relations Committee would be a weak and insufficient action, it is the strongest possible action that can be taken to demonstrate that as a country, we are resolute against the thinking and speech she has exhibited.

Additionally, major Jewish organizations should do what the Left would do if it were belittled in the same way as Omar has denigrated Jews.  They should picket the offices of Nancy Pelosi and Ilhan Omar.  Signs should read “Jew-haters resign” or “America is not a land of hate.”  At the same time, the picketers should be chanting, “It’s not too late to stop the hate!”  Let’s start seeing this on the evening news.

Ilhan Omar is so controversial, Democrats already want to get rid of her — here’s how

Well that escalated quickly..


After a series of controversial statements and gaffes from Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), some Democrats are already plotting and planning in order to get rid of her and limit the damage she’s doing to their party.

It’s only been two months since Omar assumed her office, but some Democrats are seeking a challenger who might run against her in 2020 and push her out of her seat in Congress, according to The Hill.

“There’s definitely some buzz going around about it, but it’s more a buzz of is anyone talking about finding someone to run against her than it is anyone saying they’re going to run against her or contemplate it,” said state Sen. Ron Latz (D).

“There’s definitely talk about people wanting someone to run against her,” he added.

Omar has been accused of making several anti-Semitic remarks that reminded many of historical tropes and slurs used against Jews. In one episode she appeared to accuse politicians of being bought off by Jewish interests, and in another she accused Jews of having a “dual loyalty” to defend Israel.

Although she has apologized for the statements, she immediately returned to propagating similar sentiments from others on her social media.

Democrats in Congress appeared to draft a resolution meant to abjure the kind of anti-Semitic rhetoric that Omar had indulged in, but by the time they voted on it, it had morphed into a very generalized resolution against all hate, including islamophobia. Omar praised the resolution.

Here’s the latest on Omar’s scandals:

Is controversy over Rep. Ilhan Omar threatening Democratic unity?

Omar has opined that the impeachment of President Donald Trump is “inevitable,” but also “terrifying” because of the possibility of Vice President Mike Pence becoming president after Trump.

“Jexodus” movement growing as Jews are now fleeing the insane anti-Semitic Democratic Party, joining blacks with “Blexit”

(Natural News) Prior to the 2018 midterm elections, a movement among blacks to “exit” the Democratic Party — nicknamed “Blexit” — began as more and more began to realize that the Donkey Party had not done anything for them except foment misery and poverty while perpetuating dependence on big government. “Blexit is a Renaissance,” movement…

Anti-Semitism vs. Anti-Zionism in France

Lawrence Davidson dismantles Macron’s equation of apples and oranges. By Lawrence Davidson We are at a new stage of the fight to realize Palestinian rights and free both Palestinians and Jews from the consequences of Zionist racism. There was…

Pope announces opening of secret archives of wartime pontiff Pius XII

March 4, 2019

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) – Pope Francis announced on Monday that he has decided to open the Vatican’s secret archives on the wartime pontificate of Pope Pius XII, something which Jews have been seeking for decades.

Some Jews have said Pius, who reigned from 1939 to 1958, turned a blind eye to the Holocaust by not speaking out forcefully. The Vatican has said Pius worked quietly behind the scenes to save Jews and to not worsen the situation. The archives will open on March 2, 2020, Francis announced.

(Reporting By Philip Pullella; Editing by Giselda Vagnoni)

Macron Vows to Criminalize Criticism of Israel as ‘Hate Speech’

Emmanuel Macron vows to criminalize criticism of Israel as hate speech

French President Emmanuel Macron has vowed to criminalize criticism of Israel as a form of “hate speech” in response to a recent surge in hate crimes against Jewish people.

Macron announced the new definition of anti-Zionism as part of a set of measures designed to combat anti-Semitism.

Vice News reports: Speaking at a dinner for a French Jewish association, Macron said the government would adopt the definition of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance to help public officials respond to anti-Semitism, which is illegal in France.

While the intergovernmental organization’s definition doesn’t explicitly mention Zionism, it says anti-Semitism can take the form of “denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, eg by claiming that the existence of a state of Israel is a racist endeavor.”

“Anti-Zionism is one of the modern forms of anti-Semitism,” Macron said. “Behind the negation of Israel’s existence, what is hiding is the hatred of Jews.”

The move has sparked debate in France, after a group of lawmakers proposed a bill Monday that would make anti-Zionism a criminal offense. Some critics have warned against conflating anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism, saying it could suppress legitimate criticism of Israel, and would be an undue restriction of free speech.

“It’s historical illiteracy, or worse, stupidity,” said French journalist Dominique Vidal to France 24. “The confusion between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism allows [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu], who is concerned about his own image, to silence his opponents.”

But backers of the move say the change is necessary, pointing out how anti-Semitic agitators widely refer to their targets as Zionists, rather than Jews, to avoid legal problems.

France has been shocked by a string of high-profile anti-Semitic hate crimes in the past month, drawing thousands of people onto the streets of French cities Tuesday for a demonstration of solidarity with the Jewish community.

On Saturday, prominent French philosopher Alain Finkielkraut was verbally attacked by yellow vest protesters in Paris, who called him a “dirty Jew” and a “dirty Zionist” as he walked past their demonstration. A man was arrested over the attack.

On Tuesday, nearly 100 gravestones were found defaced with swastikas in a Jewish cemetery in eastern France. In recent weeks, vandals have also scrawled the word “Juden” on a Parisian bagel shop, painted a swastika on a portrait of the late politician and Holocaust survivor Simone Veil, and cut down trees planted to commemorate a Jewish youth murdered by an anti-Semitic gang.

The attacks came a week after the French government said there had been a 74 percent surge in reports of anti-Semitism in 2018, up to 541 from the 311 registered in 2017.

Macron’s proposed new measures will also include laws to force social media companies to take down online hate speech and identify the authors as quickly as possible. He criticized Twitter in particular for taking too long to remove hate speech, and failing to help investigators prosecute those responsible.

They will also include moves to disband three extreme-right groups — Bastion Social, Blood and Honour Hexagone, and Combat 18 — which have fueled anti-Semitism. Macron also said radical Islamism was a driving force of anti-Semitism in France’s multicultural neighborhoods.

Israel’s Netanyahu expressed his appreciation for Macron’s move to recognize anti-Zionism as anti-Semitism in a phone call, his office said Wednesday.

Polish officials may cancel trip to Israel over diplomatic spat

February 18, 2019

WARSAW (Reuters) – Polish officials may cancel their planned trip to Israel, the head of the prime minister’s office, Michal Dworczyk, said on Monday after media reported remarks by Israel’s prime minister suggesting Polish complicity in the Holocaust.

Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki decided earlier to call off his visit to Israel, with Foreign Minister Jacek Czaputowicz to go instead. However, the whole visit could now be canceled as the diplomatic row deepened.

Dworczyk noted what he described as a “disgraceful” new statement by the Israeli foreign minister’s department.

“In the light of this statement, any participation of representatives of the Polish state in the V4 summit in Israel is under a very big question mark,” Dworczyk told state ratio. The V4 summit in Israel was a planned gathering of leaders from Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary.

Acting Foreign Minister Israel Katz told Israel’s Army Radio on Monday that he was in favor of maintaining relations with Poland, but he repeated his earlier opinions.

“Historical truth cannot be changed. Many Poles collaborated with the Nazis and took part in the destruction of the Jews during the Holocaust. … Anti-Semitism was innate among the Poles before the Holocaust, during it and after it, too,” he said.

Before World War Two Poland was home to one of the world’s biggest Jewish communities which was almost wiped out by the Nazis.

Many Poles still refuse to accept research showing thousands participated in the Holocaust in addition to the thousands who risked their lives to help the Jews.

Tensions between Israel and Poland ran high last year after Poland introduced new legislation that would have made the use of phrases such as “Polish death camps” punishable by up to three years in prison.

After pressure from the U.S. government and an outcry in Israel, Poland watered down the legislation, removing the prison sentences.

(Reporting in WARSAW by Marcin Goclowski and Anna Koper and in JERUSALEM by Dan Williams; Editing by Paul Tait and Ed Osmond)

Let Us Prey

Are evangelical politicians crafting U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East to fulfill biblical prophecy? You decide.

By Philip Giraldi

There are an estimated 30 million fundamentalist Christians in the United States, constituting something like one-half of all regular churchgoers. Most Christian fundamentalists are also dispensationalists, which means they think that Christianity is going through phases, or dispensations, that will lead to the rapture of true believers into heaven followed by the wrath of God descending on those who refuse to see the light. Many dispensationalists fervently hope that the End of Days—when all will be resolved through the Second Coming of Christ—will take place soon. For many, the expectation is that it is imminent.

Because the gathering of Jews back into the Middle East is believed to be an essential precondition for the Second Coming, dispensationalists are also frequently self-described as Christian Zionists (CZ), which means in practice that they literally believe that Jews are the Chosen People of God with all that might imply. As a result, CZ are, politically speaking, strong and totally uncritical supporters of the state of Israel, though their support is conditional as they also believe that the Jews, like everyone else who does not welcome the return of the Messiah and convert, will go straight to hell after the final battle of Armageddon is fought against Satan. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israeli leaders have consequently described Christian Zionists as “. . . scum. But don’t tell them that. We need all the useful idiots we can get right now.” CZ are powerful friends of Israel who will be used and eventually discarded when no longer needed.

Religious fundamentalists have a powerful presence in the Donald J. Trump White House. At the top level of policy making, Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo are prominent evangelical Christians who are outspoken in how their religious beliefs shape their perceptions of what the United States should and must do in its interaction with other less enlightened nations, particularly in the Middle East.

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A speech made by Pompeo at the American University in Cairo on Jan. 10 suggests how Christian Zionist beliefs impact policy making in Washington. In it, Pompeo reveals his own peculiar vision of what is taking place in the Middle East, to include the impact of his own personal religiosity, and his belief that Washington’s proper role in the region is to act as “a force for good.” Pompeo asserted, “This trip is especially meaningful for me as an evangelical Christian. . . . In my office, I keep a Bible open on my desk to remind me of God and His Word, and the Truth. And it’s the truth, lower-case ‘t,’ that I’m here to talk about today. It is a truth that isn’t often spoken in this part of the world, but because I’m a military man by training, I’ll be very blunt and direct today: America is a force for good in the Middle East.”

During a January 2018 trip by Pence to Israel, his eighth trip to that country but the first as vice president, a speech before the Knesset reportedly first required the removal of all Arab members, who had expressed their disapproval of what they knew was coming. Pence told the all-Jewish remaining legislators, “We stand with Israel because your cause is our cause, your values are our values, and your fight is our fight. We stand with Israel because we believe in right over wrong, in good over evil, and in liberty over tyranny.” And Pence even had a crumb to throw to the audience back at home regarding the impending move of the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, saying, “Our president made his decision, in his words, ‘In the best interests of the American people.’ ” Pence concluded with, “The miracle of Israel is an inspiration to the world. And the United States of America is proud to stand with Israel and her people, as allies and cherished friends.”

The scary thing is that Pompeo and Pence likely believe their own rhetoric. It would be hard to compress so much nonsense into a few sentences without looking completely ridiculous, but both men in their zealotry seek to convey a measure of rectitude relating to a whole basket of untruths without even breathing hard. First of all, describing the U.S. as a force for good in the Middle East is to ignore the deaths of hundreds of thousands—possibly even millions—of Muslims in a vain attempt to democratize the region. And the American people have never endorsed the relationship with Israel in any way and do not “stand with Israel” out of any conviction. Recent opinion polls suggest that most Americans are quite ambivalent about Israel and what it represents in spite of having been on the receiving end of more than 50 years of incessant propaganda extolling falsely “the only democracy in the Middle East.”

Ten Myths About Israel, Ilan Pappe
Outspoken Israeli historian Ilan Pappe examines the most contested ideas concerning the origins and identity of the contemporary state of Israel. New at the AFP Store.

In truth, the Israeli special relationship is something that has been created and fostered by a corrupted-by-cash political class and a media supported by a powerful and unscrupulous domestic lobby backed up by an oligarchy of pro-Israel billionaires.

As for values and causes, Americans would be appalled if they were to witness the misery inflicted on the Palestinians by the Israelis. Right over wrong? Good over evil? Where is the justice for the Palestinians? Israel’s government is itself evil—an apartheid state that denies benefits to its own citizens if they adhere to the wrong religion. Tyranny? That’s what occurs in the West Bank and in the strangling of Gaza every single day.

In response to the Pence visit, Jane Eisner of the Jewish newspaper The Forward warned that, “Trump has handed Israel policy to evangelicals. That’s terrifying.” As a liberal Jew, her concern was that U.S. policy would be driven by some potentially dangerous evangelical beliefs that certain conditions, to include complete Jewish control over the West Bank—described as Judea and Samaria—should be satisfied solely to fulfill biblical prophecies.

Matt Brooks, who heads the Republican Jewish Coalition, disagreed with Eisner, saying, “They always highlight the fact that [they are] evangelicals, as if that’s a pejorative when in fact [Pence, Pompeo and other evangelicals] are motivated first and foremost by shared values with Israel. And not just by the shared values, but the important efforts of collectively standing up to threats of Iran, pushing back on ISIS, and on radical Islam, or whether it’s being a critical democratic foundation in a very dangerous place. There are so many places where U.S. and Israel’s interests intersect.”

Brooks is, of course, making a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. Israel and the United States have virtually no real common interests and the arguments being made to the contrary are essentially fraudulent. And the question of whether Pompeo and Pence actually believe that the Second Coming is imminent is essentially moot. They share the conviction that the state of Israel must be protected at all costs, a view that certainly shapes their policy recommendations regarding the Middle East. That view also has an impact on policy toward Israel’s neighbors, with Iran in particular being vilified as the purely evil foe, a “cancerous influence,” according to Pompeo, that is increasingly seen as allied with Satan and which will be destroyed in Armageddon. Pence also doubled down on Iran in his Knesset speech, inaccurately calling it “the leading state sponsor of terror . . . a brutal dictatorship . . . seeking to dominate the Arab world . . . devoted more than $4 billion to malign activities in Syria, Lebanon, and elsewhere . . . supported terrorist groups that even now sit on Israel’s doorstep . . . and, worst of all, the Iranian regime has pursued a clandestine nuclear program.”

An openly racist Israel is hardly inspirational with its persistent playing of the victim card while it cynically exploits Christians like Pompeo and Pence to provide it with money, arms, and political cover at the expense of all Americans, most of whom do not share their religious beliefs.

Israel is no actual ally of the U.S., has never sent its soldiers to fight alongside Americans, and is hardly even a friend as evidenced by its record of interfering in U.S. domestic politics to receive billions of dollars annually from the American taxpayer. Nor would its recurrent theft of U.S.-developed high tech and defense secrets stand much scrutiny. But the two Mikes were most likely not briefed on all that stuff, besides which, they have probably received instructions on cherishing Israel directly from God.

Philip Giraldi is a former CIA counter-terrorism specialist and military intelligence officer and a columnist and television commentator. He is also the executive director of the Council for the National Interest. Other articles by Giraldi can be found on the website of the Unz Review.

Ilhan Omar Explodes At CNN Reporter: ‘What Is Wrong With You?’

Source: Ryan Saavedra

Anti-Semitic Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) snapped at a CNN reporter on Wednesday, bridling under increasing media scrutiny over her anti-Semitic beliefs.

CNN’s Manu Raju — who has arguably done the best job of tracking down Omar and asking her tough questions — approached her and asked her about President Donald Trump’s call for her to resign from Congress.

“The president said that you should resign and the vice president said you should be held accountable for your views,” Raju said to Omar. “Can you respond to that?”

Omar ran behind a door to avoid the question, only responding: “No, thank you.”

Raju later tried to question Omar over her response to President Trump, when she tweeted: “Hi @realDonaldTrump, You have trafficked in hate your whole life—against Jews, Muslims, Indigenous, immigrants, black people and more. I learned from people impacted by my words. When will you?”

“Are you serious?” Omar asked. “What is wrong with you?”

“I’m asking you a question about your tweet…saying the president trafficked in hate,” Raju replied.

“Yes, I tweeted, and there’s a response,” Omar fired back. “You can run that. Have a nice day.”


Earlier in the day before the segment aired on CNN, Raju described his encounter with Omar in a series of tweets.

“Rep. Ilhan Omar in no mood to talk about her controversies this week,” Raju said. “First, she said: ‘No thank you’ when asked to comment on Trump saying she should resign. Second time I saw her, she yelled: ‘Are you serious?’ when I tried to question her.”

“Asked about her tweet this AM attacking Trump for trafficking in hate, she angrily said: “Yes I tweeted, and there’s a response,” Raju continued. “You can run that. Have a nice day.” And she walked into a meeting.”

“Before I even got my question out the second time I saw her, Ilhan Omar angrily said: ‘Are you serious? What’s wrong with you?’” Raju later added.

Last week, Raju pressed Omar over her support for anti-Semitic Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions campaigns against Israel.

“Why do you support BDS?” Raju asked. “Why do you support BDS?”

Omar turned and left once Raju asked the question, refusing to answer.


Omar’s long week started on Sunday when she”displayed her blatant anti-Semitism by tweeting that GOP support for Israel was ‘all about the Benjamins,’ and followed by accusing AIPAC of paying American politicians to support Israel,” The Daily Wire reported, which led to “bipartisan condemnation of her remarks erupted, although no leading Democrats said a word about their colleague’s vile rhetoric.”

“To see this at the UN was a fight every day,” former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley tweeted. “This CANNOT be tolerated in our own Congress by anyone of either party. In a time of increased anti semitism, we all must be held to account. No excuses.”

“One of my greatest honors is leading new members on a bipartisan trip to Israel to showcase the shared values and unbreakable bond between our countries,” House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy tweeted. “Anti-Semitic tropes have no place in the halls of Congress. It is dangerous for Democrat leadership to stay silent on this reckless language.”


Left-wing female doctor who tweeted about killing Jews by swapping out their meds still has her medical license… medicine becomes MURDER

(Natural News) A Jewish-American advocacy group known as Proclaiming Justice to the Nations (PJTN) has reportedly filed a complaint with the state of Ohio Medical Board, petitioning it to revoke the medical license of Dr. Lara Kollab over anti-Semitic comments she made on Twitter. Dr. Kollab made global headlines earlier this year after it was…

Two Holocausts: Adolf Hitler exterminated 6 million Jews in the early 1940s, and Planned Parenthood has exterminated 8 million babies since 1970

(Natural News) A massive tragedy, like genocide, is much easier to recognize and catalog into history books when it happens over a short period of time, say a few years, but when one is stretched out over decades, people are less apt to realize the extent of the atrocity, and less likely to sum up…

Michelle Alexander on Palestinian Suffering and Injustice. Accuses America of being Run by Criminals

Since UK Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour’s 1917 call for establishing a nation for Jews in historic Palestine, their people have endured over a century of discriminatory injustice. 

Israel’s 1948 war of aggression stole 78% of their homeland, the rest …

The post Michelle Alexander on Palestinian Suffering and Injustice. Accuses America of being Run by Criminals appeared first on Global Research.

Ocasio-Cortez Refuses To Condemn Anti-Semitism Within Women’s March As Top Dems Cut Ties

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been in Congress for less than a month, and she’s already mastered one of the most vital skills for any career politician: Taking allegations of homophobia/bigotry/racism and turning them right back around on the accuser.

When asked about allegations of anti-Semitism levied at the some of the founders of the Women’s March movement in a stunning clip from an interview at Saturday’s Women’s March, “Democratic Socialist” Ocasio-Cortez refused to renounce her feminist allies, and instead tried to shift the conversation to allegations of anti-semitism in the Trump administration (which has been an outspoken ally of Israel and antagonist of both Iran and ISIS).

When asked about hateful comments made by Women’s March co-chair Tamika Mallory, who called described Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan the “GOAT” during an appearance on “The View” (Farrakhan has a history of making anti-Semitic comments that stretches back decades, and recently provoked controversy by saying he was “anti-termite” when discussing his criticisms of the Jewish people), Ocasio-Cortez said she believed it was important to “center this conversation” before immediately launching an attack on Trump.

“I think that concerns of anti-semitism with this current administration and the White House are absolutely valid.”

In a nod to her belief in “intersectional” feminism, Ocasio-Cortez said we need to make sure we’re protecting the Jewish community and “all who feel vulnerable in this moment” – implying that the Trump Administration is responsible for present feelings of unease in the Jewish community (rather than, say, the aggressive pro-Palestine, anti-Zionism that’s in vogue right now among members of the American left).

 “We need to make sure that we are protecting the Jewish community and all who feel vulnerable in this moment,” she added. “….it’s so important to recognize why all these women are coming together…to make sure the rights of all women are protected and advanced. And so I know in my heart that all of the New Yorkers that are coming down here and downtown are coming in that spirit and not in the other spirit.”

Watch the clip below:

As the Daily Wire’s @RealSaavedra pointed out, Ocasio-Cortez has refused to condemn the march even as top Democrats and the DNC have distanced themselves from the organization and its founders, and several regional Women’s March events that took place on Saturday also explicitly renounced any association with the national organization.

Saavedra also shared this video of Mallory implying that all Jews are white supremacists.

And this video of Ocasio-Cortez ignoring a question shouted by activist Laura Loomer, who asked the Rep. why she stood with people who openly supported the terrorist group Hamas.

Ocasio-Cortez won’t condemn the Women’s March founders or Hamas, but it’s President Trump – who has a Jewish daughter, Jewish son-in-law, Jewish grandkids and a close relationship with the (Jewish) Prime Minister of Israel, and who recently moved the US embassy to Jerusalem, fulfilling a long-standing promise made by American presidents to the Jewish state, who is the real anti-semite. In other words, the logic behind this is roughly equivalent to a Kindergartener’s chants of “I am rubber, you are glue – whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you.” 

‘NUKE THE SUN’: Bernie Gets Mocked For Claiming Climate Change Like Military Attack

Socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) was widely mocked after he claimed on Tuesday that the United States should respond to climate change the same way it would respond to “a devastating military attack.”

“We must look at climate change as if it were a devastating military attack against the United States and the entire planet,” Sanders tweeted. “And we must respond accordingly.”

Sanders’ comment comes as far-left Democrats are in the process of taking climate hysteria to a new level, even going so far as to compare it to fighting a war against Nazi Germany.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez — the 29-year-old bartender turned socialist politician — was blasted by U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell in October after she trivialized the Holocaust to push her far-left climate change agenda. The Daily Wire reported:

“So we talk about existential threats, the last time we had a really major existential threat to this country was around World War II,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “And so we’ve been here before and we have a blueprint of doing this before.”

“None of these things are new ideas,” Ocasio-Cortez continued. “What we had was an existential threat in the context of a war. We had a direct existential threat with another nation, this time it was Nazi Germany, and axis, who explicitly made the United States as an enemy, as an enemy.”

“And what we did was that we chose to mobilize our entire economy and industrialized our entire economy and we put hundreds of thousands if not millions of people to work in defending our shores and defending this country,” she stated. “We have to do the same thing in order to get us to 100% renewable energy, and that’s just the truth of it.”

“It may seem like really big, it may seem really ambitious, it may seem really ‘radical’ as us [inaudible] like to say,” the congressional candidate continued. “But the fact of the matter is we are dealing with a radical truth and a radical reality, and the more we choose to ignore it the worse we are doing by our children, and our grandchildren, and frankly ourselves.”

“It’s never okay, it’s never acceptable to minimize the Holocaust and the murder of six million Jews,” Grenell said, in response to Ocasio-Cortez’s comparison. “Just note to anyone who is speaking publicly — never compare it to anything because nothing can be as horrific as 11 million people, six million Jews murdered.”

‘The catechism of environmental alarmism demands we denounce sinful nature of ‘destructive capitalism’ — ‘Punishment…is richly deserved’

“The catechism of environmental alarmism demands that we denounce the sinful nature of “destructive capitalism” for which punishment is not so much inevitable as it is richly deserved. If our disappearance from the planet is to be contemplated with complacence it is not because it is in any sense a realistic scientific scenario (or at least not until the sun becomes a red giant 5 billion years from now) but because it is the fate such extremists believe we deserve. The talk of extinction from those who accept the gospel of environmentalism is merely a new-age version of biblical warnings that First Temple–era Jews would be vomited out of the land of Israel if they worshipped false gods.”

Auschwitz Survivor on Palestine

Auschwitz survivor Dr. Hajo Meyer talks about the differences between the Nazi’s treatment of the Jews and the Palestinians today.

Meyer expresses in impassioned terms his dismay at what he sees as the moral collapse of contemporary Israeli society and the worldwide Jewish community as a whole. Meyer is a member of “A Different Jewish Voice,” a Dutch-based, secular Jewish movement that dares to openly criticize Israel’s policies toward the Palestinians. In his observations, deeply colored by his personal experiences during the Holocaust, Meyer compares Israel’s current policies with the early stages of the Nazis’ persecution of the German Jews. He clearly explains that he is in no way seeking to draw a parallel between the current policies of Israel and the Nazis’ endgame, which resulted in the mass murder of six million innocent people. He is merely trying to point out the slippery slope that eventually led to this catastrophe, and the necessity of foreseeing the possible consequences of a policy that oppresses and marginalizes the Palestinians in their own homeland. As a result of his experiences in Auschwitz, Hajo Meyer claims to have learned one fundamental lesson: that his moral duty as a human being was to never become like his oppressors. The End of Judaism is the outcry of a dissident Jew who is not afraid of standing up to entrenched ways of thinking about history and particularly about the Palestinian conflict, which is one of the most intractable social and political problems in the world today.

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