Hardcore Bodycam Video: Illegal Immigrant Tries To Kill Cop… She Unloads An Entire Magazine Into Him

On February 17th Napa County, California Sheriff’s Deputy Riley Jarecki pulled a car over in what should have been a routine traffic stop.

She approached the vehicle from the passenger side and asked the driver, a twice-deported illegal immigrant named Javier Hernandez Morales, if she could look around the vehicle. He agreed and Jarecki circled the car to the driver’s side. The window was rolled up and the officer asked the man to roll it down. As the window is rolling down, the driver immediately pulls a handgun and fires a single shot at Jarecki.

What happens next is nothing short of what you would expect a professional law enforcement officer to do in this situation.

Jarecki pulls her service weapon, circles the vehicle and opens fire, unloading her entire magazine into the perp.

The driver can be heard giving out a scream about midway through the exchange, but Jarecki doesn’t stop until her gun is empty and the driver is motionless.

Watch the original bodycam footage below and a followup commentary video that breaks down the shoot out.

Commentary and breakdown:

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