Dunblane Elite Pedophile Ring ‘Cover up’ Revealed in Official Papers

Dunblane pedophile ring cover-up revealed in official papers

British government ministers covered up an elite pedophile ring connected to the Dunblane massacre, official papers have revealed. 

Thomas Hamilton massacred 16 children and their teacher in Dunblane Primary School on 13 March 1996.

Since then, police reports on the incident were sealed for 100 years by the government in order to “protect the children.”

BBC News reports: The 100-year ban covered police reports about incidents of alleged abuse at a summer camp run by Hamilton.

However, speculation emerged that the reports linked the mass murderer with members of the Scottish establishment.

Extracts published during a public inquiry led by Lord Cullen showed a 1991 police report recommended Hamilton should be prosecuted for his activities at the summer camp and have his gun licence revoked, but no further action was taken.

‘Incomprehensibly lengthy’

The Cabinet minutes from February 2003 said: “If the documents were released earlier into the public domain there would be a possibility that individuals who were still alive could be identified.

“The documents had, however, been made available in full to the Dunblane Inquiry.”

The minutes said that there was a “strong public perception of a cover-up.”

They said: “A 100 years closure seemed incomprehensibly lengthy to the public… what mattered was to close the story down.”

The minutes said that releasing a “sanitised” version of the report would be “more difficult than generally thought and administratively costly.”

They said: “Doing so might not be sufficient to satisfy concerns.

“One alternative might be to indicate that the papers had been reviewed by an independent person who could assure the public that they did not contain the kind of references which had been suggested.”

In 2005, the then lord advocate Colin Boyd lifted the restriction on some documents closed under the 100-year rule.

Scientific evidence unearthed by Scottish legal review undermines Lockerbie case


Another historical narrative baked in a CIA false flag bites the dust: Scientific evidence unearthed by Scottish legal review undermines Lockerbie case –Secret legal files show that conviction in aircraft bombing case would probably have been overturned. 27 Feb 2012 Fresh scientific evidence unearthed by a Scottish legal review undermines the case against the man convicted of being responsible for the Lockerbie aircraft bombing, an investigation for Al Jazeera has found. The Scottish Criminal Case Review Commission (SCCRC) report details evidence that would probably have resulted in the verdict against Abdel Baset al-Meghrahi, a Libyan man convicted of carrying out the bombing of Pan-Am flight 103 in 1988, being overturned. ‘Lockerbie: Case Closed’, a documentary to be aired on Al Jazeera on Monday, examines the evidence uncovered by the SCCRC as well as revealing fresh scientific evidence which is unknown to the commission but which comprehensively undermines a crucial part of the case against the man known as the Lockerbie bomber.

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